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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you attract what you project and what you are?

Question:ok so do people attract what they project? Here's an example, if a person is stingy will they just attract stingy people? If a person is positive will they attract positive people.

I'm talking in the logical sense. Not any of that woo woo stuff. But I guess, do you attract what you are?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ok so do people attract what they project? Here's an example, if a person is stingy will they just attract stingy people? If a person is positive will they attract positive people.

I'm talking in the logical sense. Not any of that woo woo stuff. But I guess, do you attract what you are?

I think so. The trick is that if you set out to do that you may interfere with that result. For example if you are a natural encourager you will eventually have people return the favour. If you say something nice to someone and stand around waiting for them to reciprocate you may end up bitter and reactive. If you are generous by nature it has to be done without expecting it in return. Doing something to get something taints the experience.
I have a wonderful group of lovely people around me and I appreciate their individual gifts and quirks. Being a content person may not always attract content people but I do believe it can help others in their own transformation.

not really.
i'm the friendly type.

i attract all sorts of people.
from friendly to wandering wolf.

i guess it just depends on each other's interests.

Yes. My introversion attracts the same in others.

. In general, YES.
Opposites do attract, but they do NOT stick together.
We're confortable with people who have the same or similar interests.
That's the main reason male and female are NOT compatable.