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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is TR real or only a virtual anser machine???

Question:he (it?) tends to respond in snappy retorts ending with an invitation. do you think he can read those squigly thingie things? what is university+ ?
does TR stand for "trendy responder"? does he wear tights and a cape with a big red question mark on his chest? is he, in fact, Ken Wilber?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: he (it?) tends to respond in snappy retorts ending with an invitation. do you think he can read those squigly thingie things? what is university+ ?
does TR stand for "trendy responder"? does he wear tights and a cape with a big red question mark on his chest? is he, in fact, Ken Wilber?

thick glasses, nasally voice. overloaded pocket protector, ill fitting khakis, mismatched socks, brown loafers, awful haircut possibly a mullet, adult contemporary on the radio dial, afraid of girls, watches ALL pukey reality TV when not engrossed in showing off his answer savvy....why? because none of the rest of us could possibly know or understand.....LOSER! did I miss anything.....hahahahahahahahahaha!

It's an AI program. Pretty clever, huh? Ask it nonsense and all is revealed.

Hmmm this is a Canadian thing eh?

Over here in the Delta Quadrant TR means T-Rex

Still ... look on the bright side - I got some music to you didn't I?

hmm, you know, I've seen that hair somewhere else...