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Position:Home>Philosophy> How can you discover that of which you are not even aware?

Question:By wading in very slowly. By taking baby steps. Just remember to keep an open mind...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: By wading in very slowly. By taking baby steps. Just remember to keep an open mind...

By paying attention.

Keep an open mind.
Listen more than you talk. (That's why you have two ears, one mouth.)
Read, read, read.
Meet as many people as you can, and care about who they are.
Get involved in activities you wouldn't have thought of being interested in.

The more you learn, the more you are aware. And the more you understand how much you don't know yet.

By thinking about that which you do not know.

could you not bog us down with so much detail? Please be a little more vague

Through new experiences.

Read subjects that you have not yet contemplated reading about. Seth Material by Jane Roberts might be one.

keep exploring .

ah, this is meno's paradox. some claim that we know these things via inherent memory (plato's theory). I would say that we know nothing, which means that, initially, we are aware of nothing. We learn via experience.

Let it bite you in the ***.

be unaware of all then explore what you are unaware of which is everything

Age. Each passing day teaches the wise how little they know - a lesson too often passed over in youth.
