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Question:What if in my morality I consider moral relativity to be immoral?

Is my morality still relatively moral?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What if in my morality I consider moral relativity to be immoral?

Is my morality still relatively moral?

I know you are joking, but I felt I should share with you a word about the relativity of morality.

The relativity of morality is subject to the variety of cultures. What's immoral to a certain people is neutral or perfectly normal
in another culture.

Time is also to be taken in consideration. Morality is also subject to Social Evolution.
Some things considered socially moral in the long past is just not morally accepted today, and vice versa.

well, let me put it this way.

what you are asking is... if you, one person, view moral relativity a certain way, does that change it for the entire world?

of course not

in fact, there are many many people in the world who find moral relativity to be immoral. That's just fine... for them.


morality is completely relative to the culture
there is no moral objectivity
no universal law

to a relativist - yes. to an individualist - yes.

to you - no.

morality generally does not exist as an absolute. it's usually free to interpretation. absolute theories are flawed, fundamental religion has to become a part of morality to make it more justifyable.

There is truth. Seek and you will find.