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Position:Home>Philosophy> Name one thing/ subject you wish you were an expert on?

Question:The Bible.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The Bible.

Money / Finances / Investing. This way I would be rich!

The one thing/subject I wish I was an expert on would probably have to be either science or math.

I would like to be an expert in all areas of human science that interest me but if i have to name one i will say psychology.Once you learn the nature of the beast you can predict its actions and conquer it easily.The human animal is very much predicable if one learns its patterns of behavior.Instincts are like a program that always executes the same instructions.

Woman, will we ever understand them?

Temporal physics.

Egyptology and Alchemy. And also Quantum Physics.



and quantum bio-engineering, thats creating nanoscale entities that can operate on multiple cellular levels, but i cant find a) suitable medium,
b) adequate stability of communication - tried using quantum entanglement, but the tied particles are way too unstable
c) enough funding.

Poon it is. :-)