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Position:Home>Philosophy> When a safety-critical system is computerized, do guards thereafter stand watch

Question:equivalent to such guards, so as to ensure documents are not tampered with ?

Because "Rev Phil" has noted on Yahoo Answers that "If no one is looking at the documents then anything can be later doctored to give the results you want.
I hope this helps
Rev Phil".

So wouldn't there need to be computerized monitoring, involving perhaps encryption, checksums, ... to provide the equivalent of
guards standing watch.

Otherwise how would you know whether or not algorithms, test cases, independent verification certificates, ... had been doctored ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: equivalent to such guards, so as to ensure documents are not tampered with ?

Because "Rev Phil" has noted on Yahoo Answers that "If no one is looking at the documents then anything can be later doctored to give the results you want.
I hope this helps
Rev Phil".

So wouldn't there need to be computerized monitoring, involving perhaps encryption, checksums, ... to provide the equivalent of
guards standing watch.

Otherwise how would you know whether or not algorithms, test cases, independent verification certificates, ... had been doctored ?

Interesting question, for which I have no clue, thus making my answer even most interesting for lack of understanding.
Now, faced with the mammoth task of answering your question, for which you have been anxiously waiting, I will say that human guards are less reliable than machines. Humans are easily bribed; to bribe a machine you have to be a wizard.