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Position:Home>Philosophy> When does a sheep becomes more dangerous than a wolf?

Question:...when the whole herd learns how to bite!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ...when the whole herd learns how to bite!

When they become goats...

When the sheep is strapped with dynomite.

When you are grass!

Actually, in seriousness, I would have to say it's whenever the sheep becomes hostile. Afterall, you would avoid and try to keep a wolf away, but a sheep would be able to get past your defenses easily.

This may not be the rule, but I saw it happen once during a card game when the wolf got caught cheating. I'm sure that's where the expression "pleating the fifth" came from.

When the sheep are stupid enough to elect the wolf as the new sheepdog.

when the sheep gets really mad

When the sheep allow themselves to be shepherded.

When you're fatally allergic to wool.

never, except when the sheep is a vector for a deadly disease

when they stop being afraid of the wolf and fight back.

When the wolf is dead.

When a sheep is diseased with a deadly virus. Metaphorically when a sheep appears to be your friend but is really a wolf in disguise. Later.

When they start lifting Baaa Bells!