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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are some words better left unspoken?

Question:just as all swords are not meant for slashing...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: just as all swords are not meant for slashing...

Say what you want, but be ready for the consequences.

Sure..for instance when you are really mad at a loved one. Name calling can really stick and harm relationships. So watch what you say unless you really mean it.

yes. if you know it won't help or encourage, or that it will hurt with no love intended, don't say it.

Sometimes things are better kept to yourself.
In fact, a LOT of words are better left unspoken. Even if you feel like it, I wouldn't go up swearing at your boss. If you're mad, hit a punching bag.

Yes... it all depends on the situation... But when you don't know what you are about to say...... think of the consequences of those words... how are they (the words) are going to be taken by the ears that hear them...........

Anything that you say cannot be taken back, can't be undone. Once you say it, then it's out there forever. No matter what the mood or topic of conversation, be careful what you say. "A slap across the face can damage the ego, but a harsh word in the ear can damage the soul."

As far i am concerned, no. Words are meant to be relayed to bridge some kind of inter-personal understanding. No matter how deep and unacceptable the impact is, to me, i'd rather hear it at least that way, i know where i stand and how to defend myself.

After all everyone is entitled to his opinion, in the end, its your own that counts.

Ohhhhhhh yeah !!

For example, if a person has on an ugly shirt -- the other person does not have to tell them about it .. so those words should go unspoken.

Lots & lots of words should go unspoken.

Most of them are, actually.

yes, the words "gooey green yeast infection" are best left unspoken.

Only when the other person can understand ur silence if not, then better speak ur mind!