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Position:Home>Philosophy> When will you seek the refuge of the shadow?

Question:when the light darkens my visions and casting a blinding radiance...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: when the light darkens my visions and casting a blinding radiance...

I will reside in the shadow until further notice.

When the winds of ill-fortune blows cold through my soul;When evils' corruption blackens the noon sun;,you get my drift.

Always! For it is much better to live in darkness and watch the way of the light than to live in the light and be blind to the darkness!

Never, When I leave Plato's Cave (figuratively speaking when I learn something to dispell the illusion of the shadows) I never go back. Why would I want to?

I find myself in another Cave, I seek to dispell the illusions told by the shadows, and then I never go back.

The more illusions of shadows I dispell, the fewer I find myself in later.

When it's 105 degrees in the shade.