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Position:Home>Philosophy> Will you exploit a blanket of lies just to keep you warm?

Question:things provided by desperation look somehow sweet and warm. but in the end, instead of having a sunshine you will find yourself drenching in tears... i would struggle to survive the cold...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: things provided by desperation look somehow sweet and warm. but in the end, instead of having a sunshine you will find yourself drenching in tears... i would struggle to survive the cold...

Nope. Not unless my life (as in life or death) depended on it. And maybe not even then either.

No, a blanket of lies does not give us warmth , it is only an illusion.

No. I do not lie. I was lied to in my last relationship by a man who was married and he told me he was divorced and we lived together and he kept up this lie for months and after many months, I finally found out the truth. It was a really bad experience for me. I guess the man had a great experience and he has never even apologized to me and I will never understand his utter lack of ethics. I would never use and abuse another person. People do become warm and comfortable in relationships and they trust the other person. Do not lie.

I am warmer in the truth