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Position:Home>Philosophy> What are your reflections made of?

Question:scars from a weary battle...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: scars from a weary battle...

good question, interesting thought also, How come when you see your reflection everything is reversed from left to right, but never up and down?

Light! And of course neural impulses directed back to your brain via your ocular nerves.

I reflect on previous decisions that I have made, mentally reviewing the paths I chose to take, and wonder what life wuld have been had I taken that other road on that fork in the road of life......................

...whatever happens to be creating them at the time...water, glass, metal, shadow, light....

What you think you see, or what you want to see.

Considering this is a question in the philosophy section, it should be answered philosophically.
However, I haven't done philosophy in school yet, so I don't even know why I'm answering this.

Well, what I think is that reflections are the parallel universe. I mean, nobody even knows where 90% of the universe is, so why shouldn't there be a parallel one?