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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you need to get hurt just to be reminded of reality?

Question:just to wake up from a bad dream....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: just to wake up from a bad dream....


Sometimes that is what it takes. But you probably grow to be a stronger person from whatever it is that hurts you. :)

some people thats what it takes to wake them up.I just wish some times on some people it wouldn't take so long.

nope. sometimes i read a book to escape reality...cause it won't stop reminding me of itself!

No. you need reality for you to be reminded about being hurt.

No.....but for some people, I think thats a good wake-up call.

most of the time yes.
i read books to escape because i cant stand reality. and i try to hide but i think sometimes u do need to get hurt to remind you of reality.
sometimes people get hurt and try to hide from it still because hiding things is the best thing to do they think.
but it all depends what kind of person it is.

Yeah, if you're dead.

Learning is not child's play; we cannot learn without pain.
- Aristotle (4th C. BC)

without pain there would be no happiness. pain is helpful in the fact that it allows us to learn from our mistakes. although pain is not necessary to keep you in check with reality. Reality itself can be painful enough

Suffering can be a great teacher. No one normally chooses it but some of my best growth has been when I've either had to reassess emotionally or been in need of physical help.

It depends on what you'd term as "reality". I believe it's different for everyone; there is such a thing as an individual reality based on experience and our frame of reference. Take for example a kid who grows up in a royal family, as opposed to one who lives on the streets in poverty. What real is will be enormously different for each of them; one will have an easier lifestyle and the other will be scrounging each day just to survive.

As their realities have such a huge discrepancy between them, what will remind them of what is real will be very different as well. Again, it all depends on what the title of reality means. If you're talking about it on their own levels, a reminder would just be their everyday happenings, as these are what they have come to appreciate as real. However, I think what you're getting at is more of a universal reality, which could cynically be viewed as one where pain is eminent and unavoidable unless one is in denial of it. In that case, pain is necessary to be reminded of reality.