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Position:Home>Philosophy> Which more...victims of war or victims of love ?

Question:victims of hatred....which is the reason of war.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: victims of hatred....which is the reason of war.

Love is considering the self interest on another as though it were your own.

It is what allows us to form couples, groups & nations.

It is what allows collective action such as war.

Since war is a subset of love in general, love must have more victims than war.

Darwinistically speaking Love evolved to help us create victims rather than become them.

How can you be a 'victim' of love - the ability to love is a gift. Isn't it better to have loved even if it causes 'pain' than to not.

War is universally detrimental, none escape it regardless of innocence or guilt, action or ignorance, 'winning' or 'losing' or any other number of mitigating factors.

Definately War.

victims of love obviously.

oh! victims of love. And I am among them.

Broken bones may heal, broken hearts never.

Victims of WAR.

No one gets to be the victim if TRUE and SELFLESS LOVE prevails..

The people with the people is that they are too proud to admit their mistakes. Too ambitious to grab more than what they need. And because of this, they become vain, bitter, selfish, and hatred fill their hearts and then comes war WHERE EVERYONE IS A VICTIM.

Victim of war definitely, since I know where to go after passing away. I would fight till last breath with my family just to die in honor and reside in Hel.

Stated more clearly, since in outbreak of war almost no civilians are able to escape the catastrophe, getting plundered, raped or killed is their inevitable fate.

i say victims of war cuz they don't have a choice and victims of love chose to fall in love with a as$hole