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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is falling in love like a candle that once lit, it never stops shedding tears?

Question:but as you see, the candle brings light to everybody... even smiles! so i would say, falling in love is not only about tears but smiles as well...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: but as you see, the candle brings light to everybody... even smiles! so i would say, falling in love is not only about tears but smiles as well...

No, that's very poetic, but just goofy.
However, you can take a lit candle and burn the house down.

what that saying is retarded

yes you right in fact falling in love is so sweet and romantic

I don't know of any candle that sheds tears...

I do believe that once "in love" the feelings never really go away....not completely.

Sometimes you must put them aside... for your own protection however.

It can burn down or be blown out. There are also no mess candles with wax that doesn't drip. Oh and... No

No. That's assuming that love is essentially about sadness and misery. Love doesn't tear you down, it builds you up.

If you are in true love then there won't be any tears at all instead you will be glad..

That's beautifully deep (=

My philosophy is:
Love is like a flame, it gives you light and warmth, but then you get too close and try to touch it , you get burned. You learn a lesson through getting burned and you won't get too close again.

well not really a philosophy, cause theres no point in staying away, just a way too look at things occasionally.

:D all sunhine lollipops and rainbows from here on out

Did u come up with that, or find it as a quote somewhere? I'm just interested to know : )

I like it how you put it. And I believe that's how it is.
It won't stop until someone blows the fire off. The same as a third person coming in and interrupts!
Also, it won't stop until all the wax has burned. The same thing as until the end of both parties.
*sigh* LOVE~

yes, u r right.And u said it so nicely.

Eight letters

Three words

And one Nice Meaning


No. Falling in love is like a garbage disposal: once turned on, it grinds everything up into little pieces that can easily be washed into the sewer.

Falling in love is the most wonderful feeling to have,in life.
And there is no comparison between love and candle, and if you com to think of it, when you lit a candle,it gives light. And light signifies a path, way to success. And thats how love it, when you fall in love, you love it, when you lose it, its an experience.
So there is no comparison between the two, its just the state of mind, which forces you to react in a certain way to each situation.

No, it can smoke and be snuffed out.