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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do people ask for advice when they know they already have their mind made up

Question:I see it all the time. Someone posts some long question throwing so many details of their personal life out there for us to read and when we give our opinions that THEY asked for they give a thumbs down for anyone who doesn't agree with them. Then they end up picking the best answer that backs up what they think or want to do.

The real kicker for me is when these people get pissy if you don't agree with them. Why even come on here for advice if you can't be open minded enough to hear people out when they give advice that YOU asked for?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I see it all the time. Someone posts some long question throwing so many details of their personal life out there for us to read and when we give our opinions that THEY asked for they give a thumbs down for anyone who doesn't agree with them. Then they end up picking the best answer that backs up what they think or want to do.

The real kicker for me is when these people get pissy if you don't agree with them. Why even come on here for advice if you can't be open minded enough to hear people out when they give advice that YOU asked for?

I deal with lots of people like that on lists, and in real life. It's so annoying. I think they're looking for attention. They also need someone to back them up and tell them they're right, even if they're not. Something is most definitely lacking in their life, besides some common sense, and some of their brain cells.

People sometimes need validation, and are not receiving that in their personal life. It's human. Maybe silly, but very human.

cuz they wanna have some feedback. is that wrong?

the human mind is indeed complex.... or should i say full of waste? well to some at least....

maybe because they want to be sure of their answer

They don't want feedback, they want yes men.