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Position:Home>Philosophy> Where would you seek refuge when the night rolls down with the fall of the stars

Question:in the cradle of the Moonlight that holds me warm....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: in the cradle of the Moonlight that holds me warm....

My bath Tub.

In a good book!

I wouldn't. The night is MY time. To steal a line from The Simpsons, I travel places men fear to tread.


Is this a song?

I have walked the streets on occasion for this visual parade of the night, I have sat on my patio staring up til my neck became stiff and I simply spread a blanket on the patio with a pillow and looked up and around until I found myself sleeping under the stars. I've gazed at a camp fire on an island in the middle of some nameless lake in the north woods taking occasional notes of the Zoetrope above my head. I have tug a deep hole in red clay dirt watching the horizon for anything that moved only praying that the night not be punctuated by tracer red, white or green. I have taken refuge in a comfortable chair armed with a good PUNCH cigar and a club soda on the rocks, near the beach in the bay of Bandaras watching the carpet lay itself across the sky in Bucerias. And one night? Not sure when, I will no longer take refuge from the night as I will be dead and gone. yet the night will still roll down with all it's splendor and cast of stars...