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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that criticism can damage people?

Question:Do you think that, undue criticism if unwarranted can hurt

1 people"s ego"s,
2 personality
3 psyche
4 confidence
5 values,beliefs

Can it change a person ?
How does it change individuals ?

10 points best answer

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do you think that, undue criticism if unwarranted can hurt

1 people"s ego"s,
2 personality
3 psyche
4 confidence
5 values,beliefs

Can it change a person ?
How does it change individuals ?

10 points best answer

Criticism is one of the worst traits that people can have.

Ego - If someone with a certain type of ego is criticised, they can become a much worse person and this can affect people around that person.

Personality - As with ego, it can easily hurt someone and negatively affect them and this will later affect others.

Psyche - A persons behavior, as with ego and personality, can be altered if someone criticises them in a way they do not like.

Confidence - Criticism can definitely damage a persons confidence. For some people, it is hard to be so confident because they shy away, and for someone to come along and criticise them, will only make it worse and that person may find it hard to interact with others.

Values/Beliefs - Critcising someones values and beliefs can be a very damaging effect, especially in a community that hold certain values and beliefs. This can can cause controversy as people will have these values and beliefs cemented into the ground and may not tolerate criticism towards what they think is right and wrong.

to make things short.... criticism, especially the worst ones, can not only damage a person but it can also devoid him/her of making choices without fearing criticism thus imposing a great deal of pressure that would eventually lead to confusion and insecurities....

yes if a person has poor will power...only person with strong will power can handle critcism.

Adverse criticism can take it's tole. POSITIVE criticism builds confidence, makes one strong. How we behave IN EVERY ASPECT, can be criticised - by those we know and those we don't know. Good behaviour begets respect from those around. Choices - again, it's ours. If we know why we did what, why take notice of the critics - as long as our conscience is clear ..... nada can hurt us. Yes?

i think that criticism can damage that well i feel that

Criticism can be like a knife to your body. It can cut, and tear and bleed you dry of your dignity, your love, your belief in your self. You must be strong and gleam all that you can from what they are saying to make yourself stronger. Throw the rest away.

Constant criticism can not only damage self confidence and lower self esteem. It can create a closed self conscious attitude and it proliferates. People eventually criticise back....and then go on to become critics themselves.
Whole societies are weaving and dodging because of excess criticism from the media to the individual family. It's what 'attitude' and paranoia are all about. It's become cool. It entraps and puts pressure on self expression.

Occasional constructive, grounded criticism is o.k.
if done with the general intent t'wards betterment.