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Position:Home>Philosophy> I'm sad; tell me something that will make me happy.?

Question:I strongly believe that Chewbacca is as gay as he is hary. I'm sure that he has spent much time thinking about riding the Hershey Highway on the Millenium Falcon with his friend Han... funny Han isnt even Asian!! I sure hope that when you read this, you're drinking something so when you chuckle, it comes out of your nose!!

Hope that made you smile!! :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I strongly believe that Chewbacca is as gay as he is hary. I'm sure that he has spent much time thinking about riding the Hershey Highway on the Millenium Falcon with his friend Han... funny Han isnt even Asian!! I sure hope that when you read this, you're drinking something so when you chuckle, it comes out of your nose!!

Hope that made you smile!! :)

Everybody has the power to make themselves happy. Go somewhere to get your mind off things. I personally like to go out and look at the stars - it reminds me of my insignificance, and how little life affects anything. Very peaceful. Hope this helps

Someone out there loves & admires you.

Have lots of SEX!!!!!!

sad goes away.

at least you are not callum ross.

It's spring ^_^
... aaand... seeing as how I'm such a loving person...
... I love YOU! <3 <---zomg a heart! ((()))<---zomg hugz!
=] I hopez you feel better!

Happiness is a choice.
Yeah, it doesn't help much when someone tells me that either. But at least we know we have it in our power to be happy.

'don not think of the stars as above us, they are just a part of our existence.'


Listen to music. The kind of music only yourself know moves the strings of your soul. When Saul, the first King over Israel, was sad, he would invite David to play the harp to feel better.

YOu are alive and able to experience felt experience. that in itself should be enough to make any human being happy. if not you are taking life for granted, the avail to experience and learn becomes meaningless if you think your life is shitty, and need to hear from random people on the internet happy things for not being able to generate your own. sad as you may think your life is, it isnt. that is just your mode of interpreting it. your interpretation of life reflects what your life feels like. and if you change up your interpretation, then you can change your life. think about it, and cry now
cry now at how beautiful it is that you have the ******* chance to even experience this. and never forget it.
be happy you are alive and able to feel in the first place

New Kids on the Block are doing a reunion tour!!!

Watch this video, it may give you some perspective on what it actually means to be happy.

I found it very challenging.

"Harvard psychologist Dan Gilbert says that we synthesise our happiness. Not only that, he also maintains that when we imagine what could make us happy, such as new clothes or an around the world trip our brains are invariably wrong in advising us that those things will make us happy."


You woke up this morning!
You were able to talk, walk, hear and see~
You don't need a wheelchair, cane, or walker~~
You can think and act without help~
You aren't in a mental institution~
You aren't in a nursing home~or in a hospital~
You haven't been told that you only have a 25% chance of recovery in surgery~
You haven't been told that the only surgery that will help you, requires you to have a colostomy bag for the rest of your life~And you are only 30 years old~
You haven't been told that you have breast cancer, and you must have a mastectomy~
You haven't been told you have a terminal disease~
You haven't been told that your leg has to be amputated tomorrow morning~
You haven't been told someone you love has died~

I could go on in on...I work in a surgery center where I see all these things every day....THESE people...have reasons to be sad...

Count your Blessings, have no reason to be sad...Be thankful! = )

I just saved over $8 per year by switching my car insurance.

god loves you.

this too shall pass

Jesus loves you.
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."