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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do we...?

Question:Why do we (some of us) sometimes miss out on enjoying the good things in life because we're afraid of the bad things?.....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Why do we (some of us) sometimes miss out on enjoying the good things in life because we're afraid of the bad things?.....

It is a fear thing. We fear of losing a love so we don't love, we fear not being successful so we don't try our hardest. The way you need to look at things is half full. They already said no, the worse thing is they say it again. But, if you never try you will always be afraid. You have to try and put your best effort out their. Success is not doing something, success is picking yourself off the mat and tring again!!

Because we're scared... of failing, of losing it, of embarrassing ourselves, of messing up that one life that we must keep and treasure so safely.

if every people don't afraid, what happen then?
everything will become bad things before you realize it.

preoccupations and expectations sometimes drift us away from the good things...

very true,
the answer is fear,
we need to grow up and reliaze that a good life is when you live every moment to the fullest,
fear of what might happen just ruins your life,

You just answered your own question.