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Position:Home>Philosophy> How fast can you get back on your feet after having a collision with hurt?

Question:i don't force myself up again. i just let the wounds bleed till i ran dry and feel nothing...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i don't force myself up again. i just let the wounds bleed till i ran dry and feel nothing...

Immediately. But will you walk?

how strong are you mentally?

You must not think in this manner my friend. You must not choose to think of it as an accident. Think of it as an experience. Learn from it and try your best to move on. A heart that is heavy is hard to carry. I feel for you because I've been there too. But it's like this! Do you remember what you were doing on Christmas Day when you were 10 years old? What you said, what you ate, what you did every moment of that day? Of course not. Just the good points and if there were bad ones you've sense gotten over it I would think. It will soon be Christmas again and you will have other memories, feelings. Understand? Hope you get lots of cool gifts from Santa!! ;) p.s. if your Jewish Shalom

as fast as i can....
try to forget the hurt
move on as fast as i can.