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Position:Home>Philosophy> Will the truth make you happy even if it means hurting you?

Question:i would rather leave the pains of the truth and wait for the wounds to heal than getting lost in the void of colorful deceits...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i would rather leave the pains of the truth and wait for the wounds to heal than getting lost in the void of colorful deceits...

No it won't necessarily make you happy - but it will often set you free.

The truth hurts--but it will set you free...

i would rather have the truth, good or bad. Honesty means alot to me x

i think even if it hurts when you hear it, as the people before me say, it will set you free which will then result in you being happy after a period of time

I m become hurt resistance and now any truth, lie and any other thing in this world can hurt me except my mother-in-law.

maybe it wont make me happy, but it will make me wiser. at times wisdom comes at the cost of displeasure but ultimately wisdom is of much more value. you can do more with wisdom than pleasure.

Ignorance is a bliss
Ignorance is strength (1984, George Orwell)

Sometimes it is a good thing if you are not aware of the truth, you will be free from pain...

if you are an honest person I guess it should....

' a truth that's told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent' ~ William Blake

The truth hurts, quite often. But in my mind, yes, in the long run; would you want to have a 'happy' life if your 'happiness' was built-up of lies and unreality?
Or would you be content with knowing what was right and wrong- what your life really meant to you?

Think of an unpleasant truth as a plaster strip being ripped off your skin quickly. Think of a pleasant lie as that same strip being ripped off your skin slowly.

The truth may be hurt for a while but after that you know that it is a positive way to improve your personality.

in the end yes...

Truth is relative. One's truth is another's lie. Your own reality is what matters ultimately. You are in control of your own happiness or lack of it.

everytime truth will not make us happy ...but at least it will help us to prepare ourself for digesting the hurt.

i think the truth ultimately will make you happy. it can hurt badly at first, but in the end youll see that it was way better than living a lie. you just have to learn to accept the truth and move on, and learn from that experience, and not let it really get you down because its always hard to pick yourself back up. the truth is somethign that can and often times will hurt but that hurt will go away, but only if you choose to want it to go away.