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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the fine line between reality and fantasy?

Question:a hanging light waiting for you to make choices whether to tread the road of reality or slumber in the world of fantasies...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: a hanging light waiting for you to make choices whether to tread the road of reality or slumber in the world of fantasies...

reality hits you hard, while fantasy is just your imagination, there's a radical line between them that can't be crossed...

Line? What line?

Reality, in everyday usage, means "the state of things as they actually exist
Fantasy is a genre that uses magic and other supernatural forms as a primary element of plot, theme, and/or setting.

The line is the origin of the stimuli.

Reality exists outside you, and is transmitted to you via senses.

Fantasy exists within you, and is generated for you to mimic senses.


The first cup of coffee.

Reality ??married with a fat husband
Fantasy??I am married with Brad Pitt. (lol)


Good luck!