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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is the DARK SIDE always bad?

Question:Some say that the Dark Side is about self-indulgence as opposed to the greater good so if looking out for numero uno is bad then so be it.

You kinda have to balance it out since you DO want to look out for yourself and yet you would like to think others are looking out for you too(meaning you should look out for others in order for there to be a trade off). If everyone only looked out for themselves it'd be chaos.

So there's the whole Yin-Yang you have to maintain and while the Dark Side CAN be viewed as bad, it is a necessary trait to survive to think of one's self.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Some say that the Dark Side is about self-indulgence as opposed to the greater good so if looking out for numero uno is bad then so be it.

You kinda have to balance it out since you DO want to look out for yourself and yet you would like to think others are looking out for you too(meaning you should look out for others in order for there to be a trade off). If everyone only looked out for themselves it'd be chaos.

So there's the whole Yin-Yang you have to maintain and while the Dark Side CAN be viewed as bad, it is a necessary trait to survive to think of one's self.

Yes as averse to the fair side which is always good. The dark side can be quite malevolent and sinister, and a tad frightening. It is a powerful negative force that many aspirants attempt to mimic or emulate in the absence of the knowledge that dark and fair are spiritual states of being than attitudes or colouring ...

A sunny disposition compared to a morose and sombre ...

"Paths of Light and Darkness," Mark Prophet.

"The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis.

"The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil," O. M. Aivanhov.

"Men in White Apparel" and "Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton.

If one defines "dark" as "error," "iniquity," etc., then "your" statement is a tautology...true "by definition."


how do we define dark?
only when in contrast with fair/ bright isn't it?

when we are in the bright and looked into the dark, we'll think that dark = bad...

similarly, people in the dark would see the bright as bad...

Always dark, but never bad.

Good luck!

Not at all! It is bad only when you keep on looking at it.