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Question:I'm writting a paper for english class and this is what i developed as teh center focus of the paper.

The search for one's identity begins with the search for personal happiness.

Agree or Disagree ?
if possible explain why u agree or disagree

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm writting a paper for english class and this is what i developed as teh center focus of the paper.

The search for one's identity begins with the search for personal happiness.

Agree or Disagree ?
if possible explain why u agree or disagree

It's funny because the personal happiness is found when you stop pursuing things (like happiness). When we stop being controlled by our ego (emotions) happiness naturally arises. As far as identity goes - who are you? Are you the person you are when you were young? Are you the person you are now, knowing that in the next few moments something may happen to you which will change 'you'? If you lost a hand in an accident (for eg) would it be you before you lost the hand or after. The 'you' is not the body and brain that controls the body, it's not the emotions that control the ego, so where is the 'you'? If you didn't have a mother and father, water and all the elements that brought you into this body, what would you be? According to some teachings, we are energy with wisdom - that's all. All the rest is baggage. When you think very deeply about it and just relax, your natural wisdom will arise which will bring you happiness.
Good luck in your quest and your question.

I agree. Everything that we do is towards happiness. We take on our individual identities because it is those very traits that we embody that allow us to feel proud or happy with who we are. So basically, we take on our identities because our identities make us happy. When they no longer make us happy, then we change our identity, we "re-invent" ourselves.

Agree, your personal happiness defines who you are. whatever you enjoy doing says a lot about yourself, am i right?!

i agree.
iunno how valid you would consider it but i can only give you what i have so far - & that is my personal experience.
in the new year 2008 i was basically tired of living a life conducted by others while i played my part as the orchestra, & so i decided finally that the only way out was through & here i am, on the bumpy road to teh pursuit of happiness.
for me it was that last moment when i decided i was powerful enough to change what i want to change. & that was it.
& there have still been PLENTY cracks in the staircase...misery loves company & the world we live in is chock full of it...but its the drive that keeps me going. the mental picture of where i wanna be keeps me holding on.

Disagree. I think the search for identity begins long after the search for personal happiness. I'd say that the latter takes place as soon as a person is able to reach for something he/she wants. The creation and development of one's identity might start just as soon, but I don't think that we are even self-aware at that early stage. I think the search for self begins later when we feel the urge to have a self that is our own rather than be satisfied with the self that has been given to us by those around us. The premise which you have put forth is, to me, like someone searching for a house that they already live in.