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Question:what is your definition and theory behind it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what is your definition and theory behind it?

Something that we do when we are silly enough to be hurt or offended by something that someone does.

True forgiveness is the realization that the error never existed outside of the mind that thought that it saw it,

Love and blessings Don

Forgiveness is not saying that what someone did was OK, or even that you didn't mind it.

Forgiveness is saying that you will not hold it against them.

Forgiveness comes in a two-part gift. First you agree to forgive, then you must forget the offense. The forgetting is the hardest part.

looking at your enemy without hatred and thoughts of killing him.

Forgiveness to me is a waste of time. I would rather tolerate the flaws for which people think they need forgiveness and work to correct my own.

It means youou know longer hold that sin against the person and give that person another chance. However, instead of the saying 'forgive and forget', it really should be 'forgive and don't forget' because do you really want that same thing to happen again?

Forgiving to me means overlooking a trespass and not calling it to mind there after.

wow, forgiveness is one of the best things in the whole world, a commandment and law of great spiritual triumph we learned from our Lord Jesus Christ, the secret of happiness, the height of ones great personality and one of the formulas that can transform our earth into paradise but the most unexperienced phenomenon that can change the fate of humans. Generally its a recipe of love.

Forgiveness is the only chance of revenge the weak part can use to get even.

Forgiveness heals the forgiver more than the forgiven. Nothing hurts you more than the hatred of your fellow man.

I think forgiveness starts with understanding. It most often is best when a person understands why things happen the way they do...good and bad.
Being able to forgive someone or something that happened in one's life is essential if one wants to live a happy life. Grudges really hold people back from living their own lives.

Forgiveness is the fregrance that is shead on the heal of the person who crushed it .