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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can you see your way clear to a happier future?

Question:As in your future being more satisfying and substantial, especially after working so hard on the foundations for it to be so.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: As in your future being more satisfying and substantial, especially after working so hard on the foundations for it to be so.

I am starting to see it now, and am feeling more comfortable with my direction with every day... What I am finding most hard though is the motivation... Not over all, and once I get started I am a very hard worker... But just that every day stuff, the little things, the kick start...

A lot of what i want to do is built around self motivation and sometimes I feel I have the drive but not that kick start pow that I need... I suppose that's what groups and jobs and things are for... Many people need motivation, so at least I know I am not alone...

As far as working so hard on the foundations, I think I have done that mentaly more so than litteraly - but I think that helps because I see so many lost people out there, and I have been lost... I mean, we all are all the time to a cirtain degree right? I never want to be one of those people who just jumps on in and devoted their entire life to one cause just because it was there childhood dream only to realize they were working so hard, they never stoped to look at their life to realize it wasnt really what they wanted after all....

I have realized you do not need to know fully what you want to do.. I know I want to do something in film but I am not sure what, I know I never ever want to be stuck doing the same thing (I have never really kept the same retail job for mor than a year because I get bored, not because I cant) So I think film is a great way to do that - its always something different! I need to be creative... I also know that sometime in my life I want to be a stay at home mum for a little while, and really put all of that effort into kid/s... Anyway now im just blabbering... Lol... End result - I have so many thing that I want to do and I plan on doing them all so that I never get bored.... When I get bored, I get unmotivated ;)


The Truth is out There! ( Clairvoyance )

yeah, me and my master have been working really hard on this new top secret project for space. im not allowed to tell you, but i think it will make me very happy when i eventually destroy my own daughter's home planet. but i guess i'll be sad when my son blows it up with his rebellious friends... and then again when i start rebuilding, boys will be boys... i guess i have my way to a happier future, and other people have theirs

Let me answer that with a question. If you were to walk straight from one side of a cornfield to the opposite side, would you forget where the other side of the field is as soon as the stalks hid it from view or would you trust that you will take whatever path necessary to reach it?

We cannot see our way clear to a happier future. We can predict it if we live our life accordingly.

You should read a lot about LOA, Laws of Attraction, to be specific, you should read "The Secret". When God created this world, He has put all the necessary energy combinations that can attract positive things when we release positive energy and the same is true with the negative energy. But there is a very fundamental science or faith attached to it, its "Believing", when you believe that the energy you have released to attract the positive future in your life, it will manifest. Interestingly, modern and early civilization sciences discovered after Christ, only a thousand years ago and later it got really defined in 2008 even though the greatest scholars and great human figures have lived understanding it but never decoding it but during Jesus' ministries, He has said it clearly because as a Creator of the known and unknown beings, He perfectly knows about the energies He has created, that's why He said, "If you believe, you can order this tree to move over their and even the mountain to change its place, with little belief" Our Lord revealed what humans failed to realize even after centuries passed after His teachings. Glory be to the Lord, Son of God and Son of the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ

yes i do and it is a great thing

I think so. Nothing guarantees a happier future, but by doing some ground work so to speak, one can make it easier to attain.

yes I can

I hope so. ; )

Not unless is cure is found in about a year.

I am an optimist, so I see a happier future in glimpses, knowing that what I may not see or hope for may make me as happy as what I strive for.

I am trying to make my todays as happy as I hope my tomorrows to be.

Best wishes to you always, Agent Mulder. I hope your hard work and dreaming pays off in a happy today and future.


No, only see it getting worse....

A future? Now there's a novel idea! I can't see clearly to the end of the week!

i do wish and hope so,all we can do is live for the moment and think positive about the future....;-)

l'm currently re-working said foundations ,but l do see a happier future ahead.

Ya, when the government stops taxing us so much. They take any extra we might have been able to save. That's okay though. I still have my friends and family to keep me happy. And I grow a lot of my own food, so that helps. Can't wait to get it in the ground this yr. I love to garden, can and freeze up my produce when I can. It's the only thing that I enjoy as much as being here. :D

Why so serious?

I can not see the future...and I'm not going to a fortune teller!


i dont know about my future but i know my twin boys will have a great future so that satisfies me.