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Position:Home>Philosophy> My opinion on world end, what is yours?

Question:I think if we elect a democrat, the human race will be wiped from earth. The many predictions of the world end in Dec 21, 2012 could happen if a democrat is elected.

Kids listening to music that tells them to steal and do crack is making ever kid dumber and dumber, which makes them less aware of the crisis our Earth is in.

Peoples ignorance of pollution.

It is possible that on Dec 21, 2012 the whole mantle on the earth will shift, causing mass devastation to the world.

What do you think?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think if we elect a democrat, the human race will be wiped from earth. The many predictions of the world end in Dec 21, 2012 could happen if a democrat is elected.

Kids listening to music that tells them to steal and do crack is making ever kid dumber and dumber, which makes them less aware of the crisis our Earth is in.

Peoples ignorance of pollution.

It is possible that on Dec 21, 2012 the whole mantle on the earth will shift, causing mass devastation to the world.

What do you think?

republican, democrat... just swings and roundabouts.
12:21:12... just fiction... ignore it.

most likely way we end up.... polluting and over-populating the earth into such a bad state... that civilization as we know it ends in wars over resources, pestilence and disease.
rodents and cockroaches will take over the earth.

If we manage to solve the over-population related issues (everything stems from over-population .... resources, energy, global warming, pollution)
then next most likely is an asteroid from space.

as Carl Sagan once said... we should move out to occupy at least 2 planets... so we aren't wiped out in case of asteroid accident

You crack me up.

i think It is nearly impossible for the world to end in 2012. A democrat is going to win this election after they seen what a republican did the past term.

if obama/clinton gets elected there will for sure be attempts to kill the winner. but no way worlds end.

i dont see the world ending anytime soon.

I've read something similar to the whole mantle will shift on that date.
Apparently by 2013 most of the land will b under water.
Some date in 2013 a big massive tide wave (tsunami) is going to hit the east coast of Australia and wipe all the coast out to the Great Divide....apparently.

no one knows when the world will end... & sure hope is not on 12/12/12 only our god will know...

Don't make too big a deal out of Mayan superstitions. Not enough the superstitions of Christianity to add now those from the Mayans? The world ends to everyone who dies.

there have been a thousand predictions of the world's end ever since the days Nero was throwing Christians to the lions, every turn of the Century, every end of the millenia, the 7th Day Adventists had their day in 1912, the Jim Jones cult and wacko in Waco both had their days, every passing of Haley's comet, eclipse of the sun and other end-of earth prophesies that i'm sure i missed. One thing you can be sure of, the arsenals of the US and Russia can obliterate a million Hiroshimas.....anyway, sleep tight

I think you need to lighten up a bit, listen to some music and relax. Yes, it is possible that the world could have an extremely bad day on 21 December, 2012 or any other day for that matter.
Many people ignore the issue of pollution but I think it is an issue that a large number of people are finally opening there eyes to, and of course there wallets. Pollution costs more then just greenbacks or Euros....

think It is nearly impossible for the world to end in 2012
u make my laugh

We do not know the beginning of time, nor do know the
end of time. This world can and will exist even if mankind
becomes extinct.

Those are the depressed, manipulative thoughts of all republicans.

I think everything before that time is a possibility and mostly imagination. The only thing that counts is reality so we need to be true to ourselves no matter what comes in order to remain stable. I think that is a lot of hooey about the end date. I remember the flack about 2000. And it's eight years later. That's what I think so live well and prosper. Later.