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Question:What is the one biggest mistake you have ever made in your life? How did it affect your life then, and now?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What is the one biggest mistake you have ever made in your life? How did it affect your life then, and now?

Not staying at the hospital when my mom was ill, I ran home for a bit and she died while I was gone. I didn't get to say goodbye, for whatever that would have been worth in her condition. I have always since then tried to really slow down and weigh out objectives to see what was the more important. What I've learned is this, when it comes to my own selfish desires or other peoples "needs", I'm staying with the people who need me. I can have time for myself anytime I'm still breathing. Sorry for the downer response, but that's what came to mind. And I'm sorry Mom, I miss you.

Trusting my co-worker

Marrying Frank. What a loser. About took me to the poor house. Now, he's gone and I am back on track. No more of that crap for me.

I drove drunk and got a DUI in college.

It affected my life because I had to attend alcohol classes and listen to parents talk who had lost their child in a drunk driving accident.

I am very fortunate I didn't kill myself or even worse, another human being. My life is changed because I no longer drink at all. It is better because of it.

Went out with a douche who got me into drugs, liquor and sex when I was 14. At that point it took me away from my real friends and my family, who I needed the most at that time. I became very, very depressed.... suicidal. Four years later, I still do drugs (probably dangerous amounts) I am happy though and doing well.... well as well as you could doing all the drugs I do

felt in love with one person

letting that special someone slip through my fingers

I was judgemental about my fathers lifestyle and told him to stay out of my life. Shortly thereafter, he died suddenly. I never got to put things right with him, and this is a regret I will carry with me for the rest of my days.

It has affected me in some positive ways I suppose. I tend to be more accepting and less judgemental with other people. I try very hard not to take things for granted, and I make sure that the people I care for know that I love them.

Dropping out of high school and being bulimic as a teenager

opening my mouth-its continuous, and there's a foot wedged way in to it.

Loads, but never mind

My big one today, not asking that girl out GAGH, I told myself i would, but chickened out, maybe tomorow eh?

Using inaction to solve lifes challenging problems. And having them bubble up and explode in my face.

believing my parents and older what a wake up call !!!!
sometimes the family you are born into can be the worst part of your life !!! no *hit

telling someone i loved them. that one little mistake turned me into the thing i am today...-.-"

Wow... I am so floored (and moved) by the comments made for this question! With the exception of JuJu (so far) how heart breaking all these answers are! I am sorry you all experienced those things...

I would say moving BACK to Phoenix was a mistake, but I don't really believe in mistakes or regrets. I think you live as you believe and at the time, I believed one thing... now I KNOW and have learned another thing...

doing something i knew was risking the relationship i was in on a whim. it nearly destroyed what i have,.