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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does Everything That You Are...Determine What You Will Become?

Question:Not exactly. Everything that you are has to be...combined with everything that you determine what you become. If you have amazing talents but do nothing with them...then they are useless...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Not exactly. Everything that you are has to be...combined with everything that you determine what you become. If you have amazing talents but do nothing with them...then they are useless...

Not just everything that we are, but also all our thoughts, actions and attitute will determine what we will ultimately become.

Well I firmly believe that everything you DO has a consequence. The consequences of what you DO shapes what happens in the future....

Not sure what you mean by "everything that you are" or "what you will become." You are what you are.... and what you become depends on what you do. I guess what you ARE influences what you DO. But its the DOING bit which determines what happens.

What you are - seems like stereotypes and labelling people. Its like putting people into a pigeon hole for convenience. Who is to say what you are anyway? Who gets to give you the label? Life is about what you DO not what you are.

Not necessarily everything, but ALL our choices do! Being an illiterate person today, does not mean you will be so in future, its the choices one makes that determine what one will become.

Not even close, there are things within me that I hide even from myself, and I'm none of them at all in life or do I choose them to be.

Not all time. It depends.

No way.

"All we are is the result of what we have thought". -- Buddha. What ever a person becomes, originated in their mind.

If 'everything that we are' includes: Age, race, gender, IQ, country, culture, upbringing, education, era, personality, character, experience, influence, opportunity, incentive and motivation then, yes.

It is almost impossible to change your interself, so if you are evil inside, you will almost always do evil, and if you are basically good inside you will always strife to do good.


That is like asking can you be an egg without first being a chicken?

Interesting question.


You can be an egg without first being a chicken but it is doubtful that you will be a chicken egg.

What you are could be wiped off the face of the earth and you could be something else tomorrow at least in theory but realistically it would be difficult to erase your genetics, your appearance, your language skills and such that are part of what you are. But assuming I could wipe you clean of who you are then you can be anything you want to be.

So you become the egg and therefore the potential anything.