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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is the only way to save the world to destroy the human race?

Question:What would destroying the human race accomplish? To much turmoil and even global warming, even without humans on the Earth anymore. Soon after humans become extinct, the world is just going blow up on its own from all the nuclear wars.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What would destroying the human race accomplish? To much turmoil and even global warming, even without humans on the Earth anymore. Soon after humans become extinct, the world is just going blow up on its own from all the nuclear wars.


No what is up with you man all this end of the world talk.

Or jus isolate them all in big empty rooms :L

No are fates are linked.

I think it's the other way around to save the human race we may need to destroy the earth, and were not doing a bad job so far. The Earth is finite anyway so were just helping it along.

and what good would Earth be if the human race wasn't here?

Save the world from what exactly? What is the worlds fate that we actually need to save it and help it become?

If you destroy the human race, the world will still be destroyed sooner or later anyway.

where did you get that from? lol but we need the human race. :)

First of all, this world is made FOR US HUMANS. If all of us will be eradicated from the world, then what else is the world for? How will it BE a WORLD?

I think this idea is being funny and somehow realistic but still questionable..

We are the world.

Mankind, the human race, constitutes the world, and we live on the planet Earth !

Save it from what? Anyway human are going to go extict sooner or later, and one day the sun will blow up, destroying Earth with it. So what exactly are you saving it for?

No, because the world itself doesn't need saving, life on the world does; but you can't save life and destroy it at the same time, so we have a conundrum.