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Position:Home>Philosophy> On reincarnation: I read some things on the net which were asking some of these

Question:Can we live some or our many reincarnated lives simutaneously? or Can we not live a reincarnated life in the past where we may feel comfortable and things are familiar? Could one of these possibilities not be the reason why some of us appear to have an easier time of it than others. ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Can we live some or our many reincarnated lives simutaneously? or Can we not live a reincarnated life in the past where we may feel comfortable and things are familiar? Could one of these possibilities not be the reason why some of us appear to have an easier time of it than others. ?

it's all your opinion, there are no rules of reincarnation.

I believe we are reincarnated back into the same fold of people just in different rolls thats why when you meet someone sometimes you think you have met them before but know you havn't or you just click with some friends and family members a little closer than others

We are reincarnated as different organisms because it has been stated in the holy Bhagvad Gita that we are reincarnated according to our "karma" i.e work

I'm a Buddhist, not devout, but I was influenced by my devout parents throughout my life.

Q: Can we live some or our many reincarnated lives simutaneously?
A: I'm not sure what you mean here...but are you asking if our souls split? Like in my last life, I was a human, and in this life, I'm a human and a fly? I've never heard anything like this from my parents or any books I've read.

Q: Can we not live a reincarnated life in the past where we may feel comfortable and things are familiar?
A: Hm...a bit hard to understand...but past lives can be very comfortable, and if we have balanced our karma, or current life may be very comfortable.
As far as familiarity, sometimes memories carry over between lives. Vague memories can be brought out through hypnosis or deep meditation. Many times these vague memories are embellished by our current life's biases, so take it with a grain of salt.

Q: Could one of these possibilities not be the reason why some of us appear to have an easier time of it than others?
A: We are all at different stages in our buildup of karma, our karma history, our relationships with other souls, etc. We all have ups and downs over the millenia. That is why some people have an easier time than others. Maybe when you hit a smooth spot, that same soul who was having a easy time is now having a hard time.

Q: Can we live some or our many reincarnated lives simutaneously?
Q: Can we not live a reincarnated life in the past where we may feel comfortable and things are familiar?
A: Sorry to disappoint you, but we have only one go at the universe. Reincarnation is a human invention designed to decrease our feelings towards our own responsibility. For someone who is truly aware of her ultimate destination, a reincarnation is neither necessary nor desirable.

Q: Could one of these possibilities not be the reason why some of us appear to have an easier time of it than others?
A: Anything "could" be the reason why, but only one thing "is" the reason why. The reason some of us appear to have an easier time than others is that some of us do, in fact, have an easier time than others. Life doesn't come with any type of fairness guarantee. Take the fact that you have access to the Internet; that makes you among the richest 10% of the world's population. You're probably good at what you do, but does that mean it's fair that half of the world will not see as much money in their lifetime that you'll see this year? Don't get bogged down in reincarnation musings. The real question is, "What are you doing with the gifts you've received in this life?"


We i.e. mankind at large is still in the process of evolution and, none of the possibilities stated by you would take us forward.

reincarnation is not a legitimate solution to the question "what happens when you die?'' because it does not answer the question it just prolongs it. Say you keep dying and being reborn for the next million years, what happens after that? Eventually the sun and all of the stars will burn out and our solar system will not be able to support life any longer because there will be no energy source. Eventually you will have to accept the fact that someday you will not be living. Even if you are reincarnated for the next BILLION years, that is an infinitley small amount of time when you compare it to eternity. Even if you do go to heaven what happens after that. Do you just hang out up there FOREVER? What ever happens you've already been through it for the eternity before you were born, so what's one more eternity?

no such thing as reincarnation man, you go to one of three places, Heaven, hell, or purgatory, and if you go to purgatory(most people do) you will eventually go to Heaven.

Nice isn't it?

Even Einstein had his theories about time,and how all time is now.It's hard for us to grasp.How can we only be aware of this lifetime if they are going on simultaneously?Some say there really is no time.I don't know.I guess it's for a greater mind than mine to ponder times paradoxes.I do believe in reincarnation though.But I can't explain the time thing.