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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do people drink too much?

Question:in your opinion.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: in your opinion.


I think I do.

People who rely on drinking, and always have a beer in their hand certainly do. Drinking is not necessary for a good time. Personally I like to go out and drink occasionally, but I make sure not to overdo it.
Basically, some do (which is why we have alcoholics), and others don't (which is why we have Mormons, haha). It just depends on the person.

Good people never drink what to talk too much.Off course few irresponsible person who do not have ethics may drink too much.

Depends on the person. Personally I make a point of not starting before lunchtime and finishing by breakfast. Other people are not quite so disciplined.


Definitely. People drink far too much and it is considered normal to 'have a few drinks after work' etc why do people do it - to be social, because it makes them feel good, they get more confidence when they have had a drink. So why is it not normal and is in fact illegal to take drugs? People do it for the same reasons....?

That is a question only the person doing the drinking can answer. If a person drinks only once in a while but when they do they become violent and mean or just out of control, they my even then drink too much.

On the other end a person my drink every weekend but handle themselves in a responsible manner and of course they feel as though they drink in excess or too much. Its a personal issue that can only be answered by the individual.

That varies on each individual.

I personally don't rely on drinking just to have fun .