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Question:how a house wife and a full time mother define her success..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: how a house wife and a full time mother define her success..

Success, it's certainly relate with your goal on that field.
Success is the effective potential of your target or goal.

If you are house wife,,, what is your goal?
If you set your goal is being the good mom or good wife, ask yourself what should you do to be a good mom or good wife.

If the answer is doing all stuffs such cleaning house, washing dishes, take care kids, give them a good education and etc...
You should do your job as well and see the result on what you done. It mean you achieve your goal.....

I don't define success as making money but I'm certainly not in the majority. What it takes is enough strength of mind to resist the herd mentality and set your own goals and decide your own measures for success. Others don't like it when you diverge from the common path because it makes them reassess their own faulty assumptions but its still a good thing to do. It just takes a little courage and creativity.

To me, success is not about how much you have but how much you give of yourself. This is not only with money, but with talent, time, and the such. A good standard would be how much is the surrounding environment affected by your giving. Of course, at the heart of your giving is your motive behind it. Success is the idea of being able to pass along what you have for generations to come.

My definition of success has always had to do with my sense of happiness and fullfilment. It has absolutely zero to do with money, which may be why I'm not especially financially well off. LOL

I define success from the spiritual and intangible. In the case of parenting and houskeeping, I would (and do) define it in terms of how healthy (mentally and physically) my kids are, how strong my bond is with them, howe happy I am with my house and with the decoration / cleanliness thereof. Note, I don't think a super-clean house is a goal worth the effort of achieving. I expect my house (with five kids) to be lived-in-looking, but I want it sanitary and decorated in a way that brings harmony and makes me happy.Success is also about how you see yourself. I measure part of my success against my goals of education, spirituality, and committment to community. If I've had a sucessful week, in my sometimes roll as stay-at-home parent, I will have cooked some great meals, kept the house reasonably clean, worked at the food bank for a few hours, done some gardening (at least I would if it ever stops snowing!), and have had time to read to and play with my kids, and also to have given some quality time to my spouse.

Success is not about money but about growth, whether it is spiritual, emotional or even financial. To measure success, measure the happiness one has acheived and that is the ultimate succcess story.

success to me defines as : are you happy with yourself and what your doing..... if you are then you ARE sccessful in my book. money is ALOT OF THINGS...but its not EVERYTHING... but success is only determined by the person you are. and if you believe that money is the key to true happiness then yes ...success to you would be **cashing in** but if your not like that and you just dont know if you are succeeding ..take a look around ..and if your happy with the way things are and you wouldnt change them... i dont know how much more successful you can get.
i guess everyones views will be different all depends on who they are really.

Success can be defined many ways....I personally define it as my children being healthy ( in both meanings of the word).
As a mom of 20+ years, the most important thing was their health and safety, for without them we have nothing.

Success comes within oneself by having attempted a goal.
Losing is never trying to attempt any goal.