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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do we have the right to control the life of other animals?

Question:Is it moral? and if according to evolution, an animal evolves to be more intelligent and superior to humans, then does it give it the right and morality to control the human life?

why yes and why no?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is it moral? and if according to evolution, an animal evolves to be more intelligent and superior to humans, then does it give it the right and morality to control the human life?

why yes and why no?

Rights are a human construct which are vital to our civilization. Animals are not born with any intrinsic rights.

Many societies have rules about the proper treatment of animals. These rules govern human behavior, they do not bestow "rights" to the animals.

We as humans don't have a right to control anything here on Earth but ourselves and children until they smart enough to be on their on. I hate the way animals are being treated and controlled. I think the animals should pay the humans back for what the did to them!

Actually yes. We are the guardians of the world. We not only have a right, we have an obligation.

Yes, as long as we care for them in their natural habitat, properly.

You have been watching too much TV. Yes,
we do have the right to control other animals
for our own leisure, and even to promote our own health. That's what animals have been metaphorically allowed to share this Planet with us: To serve man. Besides, that's Biblical.

As I recall in Genesis , God trust us to take care of his wonderful creations. Even though some mistreat their privilege.