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Position:Home>Philosophy> Y is there a lot of ethical deterioration in todays world???

Question:I think some of the answers you already have been given here are a good indicator. So many people believe, or want to believe, that there is not ABSOLUTE truth. If that's the case, then anything you want to do is ok. No matter who it hurts. The first answer here is so true. We have a break down of basic beliefs and moral systems in the world. There must be right and wrong because if there's not, there is anarchy. Total chaos. Disregard for human life. If people don't believe there is a great Designer who looks down and says "this is right and that is wrong," then there is no moral compass by which to judge actions.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think some of the answers you already have been given here are a good indicator. So many people believe, or want to believe, that there is not ABSOLUTE truth. If that's the case, then anything you want to do is ok. No matter who it hurts. The first answer here is so true. We have a break down of basic beliefs and moral systems in the world. There must be right and wrong because if there's not, there is anarchy. Total chaos. Disregard for human life. If people don't believe there is a great Designer who looks down and says "this is right and that is wrong," then there is no moral compass by which to judge actions.

it is from the break down of belief systems and the basic family unit.

there isn't. it's just that we weren't alive to hear every other generation complain about it. there is a spelling deterioration though. it's takes forever to spell out the world "why".

Humans are selfish creatures. The only reason why we have a set of moral and ethical standards is so that we can feel that we are good people. If a person doesn't live by those, they are morally bankrupt and a bad person? I think not; they are simply more natural.

Ethics is a metaphysical universal, as such, no deterioration is possible, regardless of what mankind does.

Our transitory notion that particular ways of behaving belong in the "bad" bottle, and other behaviors belong on the "good" bottle has given way to a lackadaisical slack-jawed intentless notion that the bottles both spilled to leave one giant stain. The problem is that we're all to lazy to clean up the mess.

Many things happen today because it is ethically prudent for them to happen, like abortion. That doesn't mean the moral truth has changed, just like killing an innocent is still immoral. Ethics can be rationalized - like Hitler killing Jews. Our moral character doesn't change no matter what shallow rationalized ethical decisions we make -- which is why those decisions may haunt and terrorize us later.