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Position:Home>Philosophy> Olympic torch...hmmmm?

Question:Do you support throwing water on the flame?
How about boycotting the opening ceremony?
How do you feel about the Tibetans?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do you support throwing water on the flame?
How about boycotting the opening ceremony?
How do you feel about the Tibetans?

it's a touchy subject isn't? the first two don't have my total support because those kind of actions only cause to any coutry who does it, even more problems, because them chineses have one more argument against them. But Tibet has is own culture, religion, traditions, language and so not for the territory and any kind of financial reward, i don't see wy chineses insist so much on not declarating their independece. Tibetans are very much like an independent country if it was not for their territorial belonging to i agree with their wishes of independece, just not with their last methods

Not really, but I hate fire hazards. Crazy, right?

I enjoy watching 5 Fat English policemen rugby tackle a protester XD

Olypmics is a BIG deal. Once every four years almost every single nation stop's fighting to send their best there until the end.
It is a tradition, the runner's are athletes. Most of the run is lonely and just a solo run with the occasion "hey" from bystander's. So for your question.
A.No way, all that work and water? Nope. Unless it becomes a oil fire, but even then.
B.Nope, it is a tradition, and it show's that this is a serious event and not just another 'the game'.

I think the Olympics were meant to be non-political. No, I do not support throwing water on the flame.
I do not support boycotting.
I do support Tibet's cause.
There are other ways to condemn China's actions in Tibet. The Olympics should be a joining of hands world wide. I would like to see athletes from every country in world participate. It could help bring us together as one world.

Hard choices have to be made. This may just be one of the hardest: Give in to your heart's desire or stand firm in your values.
Tibetans are human beings with the same rights you have.

Personally I don't see the point in putting out the Olympic flame given the fact that its supposed to symbolize strength and courage and the overcoming of opstickals . Which is what we have to try and to help the Tibetans .

Secondly the whole notion of Boycotting the games came up about China selling weapons to the Chad army to comet genocide in Darfur . Which everyone has so conveniently forgoten about .

I don't think dousing the olpmpic flame or boycotting the games will help but I do think protests should be held at the games to highlight these issue not in protest of the games .