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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do I stop procrastinating on everything?

Question:I'm 13 and I just can't get myself to do ANYTHING. I'm just too lazy and I put things off and tell myself I'll do it later.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm 13 and I just can't get myself to do ANYTHING. I'm just too lazy and I put things off and tell myself I'll do it later.

just do it. that's all you have to do basically.

I'll let you know tomorrow

I was going to say what Joe did, but I waited too long.

Make a BIG SIGN and put it on your mirror..... LAZYNESS IS A CURSE that will lead MY life into sorrow and frustration.

Then put another up one that says.... DO IT NOW!.... and DO IT NOW!

I actually think you are serious. so... I will try to give you a trick I learned when I was about your age Put all your tasks on a list. Beside each task give it a dollar amount.. Cleaning the garage is worth $10.00.. Writing a thank you card is worth $50.00... reading the assigned book for English is worth $3.50 etc. Like that or something like that. and put your earnings in a ledger you can call "the bank."

You can actually make it work that way by paying your self from your allowance, if you get one, and make it a game. Take away funds when you procrastinate and set up a system of fines.
When the first month is up you total your earnings subtract your fines and reward yourself with something special. It worked for me. You may never conquer you procrastination but you will improve your bookkeeping and learn something about being fair and about prioritizing.

At your age I was full of life, and hated laziness.But then I think you are bored with life, and when the things that interest you becomes boring then I guess, laziness is a good excuse not to those very things. But remember, excuses will never help you out when you are in the prime of your life and then you will also not get back those lost years.
My suggestion is that chart out a workable routine for yourself.
And since we live in this world, we have to atleast live a decent life, so work atleast towards that and stop procrastination.
I always thought this way and would actually find ways to make things interesting and some how keep pace with life.This does not mean at all that I bow down to peer pressure.No, one need'nt compromise here with standards set by you.

Make two lists of things to do.

List # 1 should be, to organize your environment/your surroundings. Enjoy keeping things in order and clean.

List # 2 should be, the things you must do.

Do whatever you do for your own satisfaction. Meaning . . . Please yourself.

Always be the best you can be to the best of your ability.

Do what you have to do, when it has to be done.

You are not too young to think about what and how you want your life to be in the future.

Set some short term goals and work towards reaching them. Set a time limit for those you know you can achieve.

List some long term goals.

As you achieve each goal you will get a great deal of satisfaction as you cross them off the list.

I want to share a quote with you. I have always taken this quote very seriously.

" If you don’t know where your going.
Any road will take you there."
George Harrison

If you work at the things listed above, you will find your self saying, "I can do anything and I'm wrong. I am NOT LAZY and I no longer put things off."

Another quote for you.

"Be your own best friend and don’t forget to wink at yourself now and then."
Diane von Furstenburg

I give my best to you. DeeJay.

focus on ONE thing an see it through to completion without consideration for anything else, then go get something else to focus on...repeat as necessary