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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it possible to truly love someone...regardless of physical appearance?

Question:Or do looks always play a role when it comes to love?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Or do looks always play a role when it comes to love?

I say it is but it depends on what qualities someone is aware of to be attracted to. For most people, it is the physical, and over time they may overlook that as they get to know the person

It is possible,depends on who is looking and what he/she is looking at!!!!!

True love goes far beyond looks or else no one would grow in love. Many older couples love each other much more as time and looks pass.

Stop flapping that word around as if you actually know it's meaning.

Looks always play a role. The reason you go up and talk to someone is because you are physically attracted to them, or they look interesting or something along those lines.

However, I truly love my mother, father, sisters, and brother, regardless of how they look, its just not romantic love. So can you truly love someone regardless of physical appearance, yes, you can love your family in that way.

Can you truly love someone romantically regardless of physical appearance, no. You have to be attracted to them in the first place. You dont tell somebody you love them without fully being attracted to everything about them.

While physical appearance is generally the first thing that people judge on, it is possible to love someone despite their appearance. If they are a truly nice person with a great personality, you'll soon realize that looks are not everything. In fact, I've found that the longer I've spent with someone I get along with, the more attractive they become. The opposite is also true with good looking jerks. The longer I have to deal with their crap, the less attractive they are.

In a word...yes. It is possible to love someone with no regard for physical appearance. How else do you think the blind would fall in love? Love is universal, not limited by a set of boundaries or rules.

If true love is something you can obtain without even seeing the person, then yes. Ask your self that question, an it may give you clarity.

When loving a person, the spirit is the only thing that is truly them. The body is a mere shell. A person that falls in love with a Body, might just as well buy a silicon doll.
The person, their heart, their thoughts and habits, their philosophy and dreams, all reside in the soul.
That is why shallow is such a fitting term. So many people have minds that can't penetrate the outer skin of others.

Yes it's possible to love someone regardless of appearance. Love isn't just a feeling, it's an action. If it wasn't so everyone would be getting divorced at about 40 and trying to love people half their age because their other half was getting wrinkly.

Ravi Zacharias talks about this in his book: I, Issac Take Thee Rebekah. He talks about his brother who came into an arranged marriage and after 20 years of marriage is happy and loves her more than ever.

yes it is. if you had a kid and they where badly burned in a fire to the point that they didn't even resemble themselves you would still love them. love conquers all, if you let it.

It is possible to love someone
the thing that matters is personality
and whether they are compatible
If entering a relationship
go slow don't give out information
until you get to know.