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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can you find a place where it is totally safe from all kinds of danger?

Question:The true home of all mankind

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The true home of all mankind

No such place exists within the entirety of the tumultuous universe in which we live our lives.

In your coffin :)

solitary confinement in a mental institution.

the secret room in my basement.

Of course not, if you think home is safe, most accidents happen at home. Nothing has ever been safe but we coped with accidents, unsafe situations and adapted.
Only lawyers are captilizing on people who have accidents and making tons of money on something that happens every day and people just move on don't go off and sue somebody about it.

no...even when you hide in the closet the roof can still cave in......

Only in Heaven

Not here buddy.
All the crazies move to the "good", "Quiet" parts of the country. So it dosne't make them safe in the end. Cuz all the lokos are there.

No, because if you found a place you would be in danger of being alone or mobbed depending on whether anyone else knows about the place.

Dead in a coffin

In your head.

In Jesus' heart!


up there

that's the only safe place on earth.

nope because even in the safest place there is your own mind.

Luckily, no.
It would be deadly boring, ...
but that's a danger isn't it?