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Position:Home>Philosophy> What torture would you least want to be put through?

Question:Think of a torture not worthy enouph to creep into your worst nigtmare...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Think of a torture not worthy enouph to creep into your worst nigtmare...

dis-emboweling. they can keep you alive for up to three days, while simultaneously inching out your stomach. ew.

Water. Drowning and not being able to breathe scare me something fierce.

Bamboo slivers shoved under my fingernails.

Standing next to a Atomic Bomb

Working with liberals

Being paralyzed while rats slowly eat you alive. Ugh. Its really awful

I feel for the ignorance of the Salem witchcraft days where witches where put to death on the burning block in front of the community.. That had to be the worst pain anyone could endure out of ignorance..

Am I attended meeting of sad masochists?

I do not want to lose another child.

Great question! I love questions that actually make you think a little bit, but not too hard to where you're brain hurts, haha.

Anyway...the first idea that came to mind as far as torture goes would have to be being lit on fire. I mean, sure it's not as long lasting as having limbs removed one at a time or having your body stretched to death....but it's just something about being on fire that sounds completely horrible, painful, and just downright scary. :( *shivers*

Non at all.Because they do all cause injury of some sort or degree to my life and brain hence time wasted during recovery.

Being suspended upside down (knots around the ankles) and slowly being sawn in half from the waist down. Since the blood's pooling in your head you stay conscious until they've sawn past the navel. Gross stuff.

Dropped into a vast and fiery ocean,tumbling about constantly in the flames and screaming with terror.Being on fire inside and outside my body and tossing about like coals in a fiery furnace with never an instants peace or freedom of pain for all eternity.

Either drowning or burnt at the stake,(both would be horrible,I think),but out of the 2,I'd say that burning would be the most painfull.

The worst form of torture is Crucifixion.

being wounded, close to death but not enough to cause it (think bleeding to die).