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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do you believe the meaning of life is?

Question:pretty simple just answer and dont bash other peoples opinions

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: pretty simple just answer and dont bash other peoples opinions

Asked of Buddha:

"Are you a god?"
"Are you a saint?"
"Then what are you?"
"I am awake."

I'd love to know when the world stopped focusing on the individual. The individual is the key source of the whole. A whole is only the sum of it's parts. Cogito ergo sum, I think therefore, I am. We've all heard this rhetoric before. Descartes understood the importance of the individual as well as Kierkegaard. When did we stop emphasizing the importance of the individual? Why? Everyone needs to know that they are a part of the whole. Everyone needs to know that they are needed. If we do not live for one another, then what is our purpose? We're not meant to aimlessly wander the Earth. The proof is there. We've built cities, societies, and civilizations all through communication with other individuals. As a whole, we are great, but the whole cannot exist without it's most influential and most crucial building block, individuals. We're meant to interact and love one another. Not feud. We're supposed to find a deeper meaning of life through maintaining healthy relationships with other individuals.

Love without question and life will be worth your while.

I'm ever the optimist.

Nature put us here to breed. Plain and simple.

the answer to life, the universe, and everything in it is...

the meanin of life is to have kids and to die... not very fun eh?

This question is old... use discover...

That should get you started

As hard as it is, its to be happy, even though its hard to be happy, when we are happy, you can truefully die a happy person, thats the meaning of life.

Meaning has to come from somewhere. That is, something is only meaningful if some rational mind exists to ascribe meaning to it. That said, our lives only have whatever meanings we give to them. This becomes interesting because my life can mean something different depending on who is asked. While I could ascribe some meaning of my own to my life, some other rational mind could ascribe a completely different meaning to my life. So, there is no universal meaning of life, but instead there are a tremendous number of meanings of individuals' lives. Of course, this all hinges on the existence of external minds, and the non-existence of god, but these are assumptions that I'm willing to make at this point.

to bring illusion to truth and fear to love.