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Position:Home>Philosophy> Destiny and fate?

Question:If one is a predetermined course of events and the other is the inevitable outcome... how is it that so many state that we have the power to control or bring about our own destiny. How can we change something that is predetermined? Is destiny and fate only "real" to spiritual people or is it something believed within the scientific community also?
If there is such a thing as destiny and fate... how can we even debate it or life?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If one is a predetermined course of events and the other is the inevitable outcome... how is it that so many state that we have the power to control or bring about our own destiny. How can we change something that is predetermined? Is destiny and fate only "real" to spiritual people or is it something believed within the scientific community also?
If there is such a thing as destiny and fate... how can we even debate it or life?

My thought here is just that, my thought. I believe that destiny or fate is predetermind by our own previouse actions or a chemical miss hap in the brain. If we are born into poverty there is a predetermind path that we will take, and lots of people see it and follow it, if by the age of 18 your rap sheet is 5 pages long then people can say a prediction of what your destiny is, or you end up in jail again they say i knew it was fate that he'd end up there. Why? because you could see it coming from the path that he took. But if in a state of poverty someone opens there eyes and heart and says I don't want to be like this anymore, they change that path and that destiny and that fate, we've all seen it if not experianced it. I believe the out come of fate and destiny is very real but only because the process is evaluated by scientific theory of a prediction of the outcome being your F or D. I believe that looking at proceeding events can help one to change there F and D to an entirely new F and D. So I guess it comes down to maybe what ones deffinition of F and D are or maybe what ones deffinition is on how we ended up with our own particular F and D. If some one wins the lottery was that Fate, Destiny, Luck, what is it that got them there to that point. I believe it was F or D because they had something going on in their life (and how bad it is doesn't matter), or they will some how be touching someone elses life with the money they won and helping them to change their F or D. Boy this is long, sorry!!! :) I'll stop now.... GL!

annihilate the "self'... problem solved!!

Not everybody believes in destiny or fate. 'Existentialists' believe that we can control our own fate through our decisions and actions.

Even if it turns out that this is an illusion I prefer at least the illusion of free will over the idea that everything is pre-determined - how boring.

(and not only boring, rather dangerous for the world to think that we puny humans can do nothing to improve our mounting problems)

destiny and fate is the end result of many factors in the same equation .... and you are one of these factors...sometimes you are in and sometimes you are out...but you cannot master the whole thing !!

you just do what you have to do...and let the nature takes its course.


lsn my frnd (:
disteny and fate are already predetermined by God as u said, but wht makes us able to choose ! ok, now god made our life kinda mix of disteny and choices, do u know why ? i'll tell u why , coz god appreciate our minds and our being as human being so he gave us the ability to choose spicefic things, and ddnt allow us to choose other for his wise !
for instance, u dnt choose to b male or a female , but u choose to b successful or faliure ! and the choise comes after a chain of consequences ,after thinking and working and studying for the choice, now , blv it or not, God KNOWS that ur gonna choose this options since he created universe, but he ddnt oblige u to choose it !
OK , now getting the idea is not that easy , coz the idea of predetiremened destiny doesnt consist of only makin u do sth or not, its about even ur choises that God already knows wht ur gonna do or say , but on the other hand he doesnt oblige u to do or say that thing !!!!
if u ddnt get it or need further reading , visit it may help :)
all the best (: