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Question:Anyone know of examples of Existentialism through artwork (pictures, poems, ect) ? also if you provide an example say why.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Anyone know of examples of Existentialism through artwork (pictures, poems, ect) ? also if you provide an example say why.

Why don't you just state existentialist writer's books?
Nietzsche has plenty, "Thus spoke Zarathustra" comes to mind, one of his most famous books.

Jean-Paul Sartre has many plays and novels (Nausea, The Wall, No Exit). Jean-Paul Sartre was a leading figure in the existentialist movement.

Well there are the obvious: the existentialist philosophers themselves


Two prominent Existentalist authors that I can think of off the top of my head
Fyodor Dostoyevsky: Wrote "Crime and Punishment" and "The Brothers Karamavoz" and "The idiot". A famous 19th century author, but definitly not light reading

Chuck Palahuik: famous for "Fight Club", whose existential themes are very strong.

You want a really good recent one? The Unforgiven, a Clint Eastwood movie. The plight or victory of the characters not necessarily corresponding to what they "deserve" is a hallmark of existentialism in fiction.

I know this isn't really artwork, but Albert Camus wrote some pretty good existential stuff such as The Stranger (La Etronger) and The Plague (La Peste).

Previous answerers have given good pointers.

I would add movies that have existentialism messages in them:
- The Machinist - Christian Bale, Jennifer Jason Leigh
- Fight Club - Edward Norton, Brad Pitt
- Leaving Las Vegas - Nicolas Cage, Elisabeth Shue

I highly recommend these movies. They cover existentialism principles of freedom, choices, responsibilities, relationships, the gaze, etc.