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Position:Home>Philosophy> What meaning does a creator god find for himself?

Question:Men find meaning in God. What meaning does God find for his own existence?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Men find meaning in God. What meaning does God find for his own existence?

God is dead.

Us.....When anyone creates anything...artists, composers, authors...the creation is the meaning for existence of the creator.

I think what you might want to ask is what "purpose" does a creator god find for itself. "Meaning" is completely subjective.

The purpose a creator god might find for itself is the end of boredom by creating matter to entertain itself and to experience the element of variety as it's creations use their own free will. Without creations, any god would swim in an endless and monotonous sea of predictability. What's the fun of that?

You make a mistake in thinking God is a thing. God can not be a thing, for a thing must be finite, which God is not. I do not know what God is, but if a thing needs reason, that doesn't unnecessarily mean God (not being a thing) needs one. Does that even make sense? Sorry if it doesn't.

a "creator god"? (I can't help but laugh... I couldn't type it with a straight face... I'm sorry)

If one created our universe then they must have been lonely.
Can you imagine being all by yourself for eternity?
According to Catholicism God is infallible and since God is all encompassing, his life would be infinite.
So if you were all alone and incapable of dying (since you were never born) you would have no choice but to create something to love to keep from going insane.

Why are you asking mere men - so limited in knowledge and understanding? Ask God - He'd love to tell you, and ..... He is the only one with the right answer!!

God,being God, does not need a meaning for his existence.