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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does your environment define who you are?

Question:Yes of course it does!!!
Look at the FEW Tribes left South American along the

And take one of these People and drop him in New York City.
Your can guess what the Out Come will Be.

And in the Same Way Take Someone from New York City and drop them in the Amazon again You can Guess what the Out come will be.

Sure some will make it but most face Death!!!

You can take the Man out of Country, But you can not take the Country Out of the Man.
ALSO look what happen to the Native American in this Country!!!
That Some's It Up!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes of course it does!!!
Look at the FEW Tribes left South American along the

And take one of these People and drop him in New York City.
Your can guess what the Out Come will Be.

And in the Same Way Take Someone from New York City and drop them in the Amazon again You can Guess what the Out come will be.

Sure some will make it but most face Death!!!

You can take the Man out of Country, But you can not take the Country Out of the Man.
ALSO look what happen to the Native American in this Country!!!
That Some's It Up!!!

Not in the slightest way.

Not really, in my opinion.

i would say that it, among other things (biology, for one), contributes to who i am.

you define yourself

75% true cos your environment affects you in alot of ways even without your notice.

only in the sky!!

Yes of-course it does. If you are born in India, you call yourself an Indian in Russia something else and so on. Identity is defined by ones environment. The whole world is divided in this way. My country your country my beliefs your beliefs and so on.
The question surely is, 'should it?'
We are one species, yet we are divided through what we identify with.
If we extend the enviroment to mean this planet and form an identity from this.
The definition then expands.
Who then are 'you'?

This is a classic psychology question...Natue vs. Nurture

Environment does not 'define' you - BUT does have significance in your make-up.
It's a matter of being raised with curiosity for knowledge...if you're raised in the hills of VA - you're not exposed to much urban culture....and would be affected by this. But if by-chance, your parents were excentric scholars and schooled you in the ways of the world - then you would be better equipped to handle what came your way should you venture away from home.
So - 'define'? NO - Influence? - Definately!

No, It shapes who you are.
What defines who you are is what you do with your enviroment!

I'd say yes, to a point it does, whether we realize it or not. The people we grow up with, the things we are accustomed to seeing and hearing all have a huge effect on who we are as people. Of course we all have separate personalities, but our environments are hugely a part of us.

what do you mean by "environment" ?

depends on what you mean by enviroment? If you are born, as some one said, in russia , you may have a different outlook to some one from the Carribean. Some think the russian very harsh people but its a harsh enviroment. If you mean on a more personal level as in your family home then very much so.

In most cases it conditions who your ego believes itself to be. This programmed identity of beliefs (mostly subconscious) then controls your perceptions, thoughts, emotions and reactions to the world.

However, you are NOT your ego, but rather the OBSERVER of it and the patterns of experience it perpetuates - until you transcend and discard it.