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Position:Home>Philosophy> To live longer than 40 years is bad manners.....true or false?

Question:It could be true in some cases! :o)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It could be true in some cases! :o)

FALSE.... :)


wHO says? Hmmmmmmmmm- false!


With today's technology in medicine it is INESCAPABLE!

well, if it is I am without manners or decorum....FALSE!!!!!!!

No, actually it is a lot of fun.

Love and blessings Don

Bad manners? False.

Wasteful to resources? True

False, it would be selfish to even consider that this question exists.

False. To die on purpose because you are getting old sends a harsh message to the world--a message of cruel intolerance of yourself and older people in general. Harshness and intolerance are bad manners, while getting old is not bad manners. We should be more accepting and tolerant of all stages of life. Some cultures are more accepting of elders. Good manners bring us hope not intolerance and cruelty.

False, Definitely.

It certainly does seem to be the impression that I get from you youngsters.

But it's enjoyable to be able to annoy you kids someway.

what a silly question