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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why are we never truly happy with what we already have in life?

Question:Perhaps it's just me but sometimes I long for more,
Even though I lead a really wonderful and contented life.

What do you think?
Thanks for your answers :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Perhaps it's just me but sometimes I long for more,
Even though I lead a really wonderful and contented life.

What do you think?
Thanks for your answers :)

Because we either regret our past mistakes (which should have been long forgotten) or we worry about the things we lack and worry about the future, which we shouldn't worry too much about since it's not even here yet. Life is happening now, not yesterday or tomorrow. NOW is all there is. When you truly live in the present moment (which is tricky, but fortunately you have control over your mind and it takes practice), you tend to be more content and grateful for what you have NOW because NOW is all that exists. It's the only chance to be happy. Being happy is also a choice. Right now I'm only practicing trying to live in the NOW. I'm learning though. Slowly. I'm just like you. I'm sure a lot of people are just like us. We always want more because we want to be happier and not settle for less when we can reach our full potential. Why be mediocre when you can be great? But today is the only chance to make better choices. The choices you make today will determine tomorrow and the future. So if you want more, think about what you can do today to get it tomorrow. But the important thing to realize is the present moment is all there is. So be happy now. Life is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the journey. Take small baby steps. Live one day at a time. Focus on what you have, not what you don't have. You'll miss out on what you have if you keep focusing on what you lack. But also remember that true happiness comes from within, not without. Look within for your answers.

because we keep asking questions.

The grass always seems greener on the other side, but i can't explain why.

i just think some people are a bit greedy, instead of being grateful for what they have, they always want more.

It is your nature to be restless... their is nothing wrong with longing for more... for example; bringing more happiness to more people... I would hope we would never be content.

its human nature to want what we cant have

if there was nothing you wanted, not just matieralistic things but also knowledge, then there is nothing left to find out therefore no point in living

thats just life i guess...

one is only truly happy when one is living a truly authentic life, not making compromises to please others. And remember life isn't always happy anyway, this is an unrealistic expectation born out of poor role modeling.

stay happy with what you have because the old sayings true, you don't know what you have till it's gone

It is because human action is motivated by pursuit of some goal. When a goal is achieved the motivation it had provided wanes unless some other goal is set to strive towards.

The bussiness tchnique of MBO (Mangaement By Objectives) is patterned after this phenomenon.

Taken to extreme it it is sometimes called greed. Millionaires are constantly seeking their next million.

Here is also why a picture of a scantily clad beautiful woman is more enticing than a complete nude--there REMAINS SOMETHING FOR THE IMAGINATION TO STRIVE FOR !!!

Here is the goal of spiritual salvation--we may have gotten all that we can on earth but we wish to be successful in reaching Heaven in the next life, there will be something just out of reach in front of us to goad us into the continued effort.

if you are happy with what you have and then we will never have improvements for anything. In this world of change we Need More, More change means more choice, more choice means improvements. Means more jobs, More jobs means More money, More money means more things to buy. We as human of this earth we need change, change, change! If we are happy with what we have, the America we live in today will not be the America we work for to be. United States of American Will Never Be Happy of We already have in life. Things are changing constantly. New things are out for every week, month, and year. I wait patiently. Don't be happy with what you have. Want more, more, more. That is the American Way.

Because there is always something else out there waiting to be achieved, something that's always just over the rainbow....

According the Eckhart Tolle, the longing for more is Ego. We have to learn to live in the NOW - not the past or the future. The Ego is never satisfied. It always wants more and the more you get the more you want. One good thing, it is the false self (ego) so if you live more in the now and recognize it when it pops up it should lessen.

im on that long road to recovory so i wont be happy till im there

something to look forward to though i wont stop till im there

I believe that we are all born with a "void", for lack of a better word. Some people spend their entire lives looking for things to fill that void. Many try money, drugs, sex, power, fame. And each of them discover that none of those things will work.
The void we feel is there because we were created by God in order to fellowship with Him. But sin has separated us from God, thereby leaving us feeling empty, leaving us with a void. On our own, we cannot be reconciled to God. So God made a way for us to be reconciled to Him through His Son, Jesus Christ. The bible says that "If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Please note that it says sin not sins. The sin we must confess in order to become righteous and reconciled to God, is the sin of unbelief. "Believe on the Lord, Jesus Christ and you shall be saved." It is that simple and yet it is so difficult for some to swallow their pride and admit that they are not in control, as many so often want to believe.
In the New Testament you can read how the apostle Paul was beaten, imprisoned, suffered through shipwreck and constant physical infirmity. And yet he wrote these words, "I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him (Christ) who strengthens me."
I too have learned to be content in any and every circumstance. I many not always be happy but I rejoice always, knowing and having experienced the joy of the Lord.

The advertizing industry exists to convince us all that we want more. More of everything, more technology, more buttons in cars, more money, more convenience etc etc. The only true consequence of more convenience is more body fat. The true consequence of more technology is less money. More buttons in cars is only more to go wrong, which again is more expense. These are called false needs.

Have you seen that Wii thing yet? Exercise in your own front room. I wouldn't have one given; or I'd sell it if I did. I too have a wonderful life. I don't have satellite TV, I don't even know what a psp, ipod, megadrive etc are.

It's the entertainment industry. While we're all being entertained, we aren't thinking. While we aren't thinking then perhaps we won't come to the painful conclusions that can be arrived at. Who knows, we might even work out what is really happenning on the planet?

It is called evolution.
Happiness is brought about by achieving our desire.
Some humans are very complex individuals. The "bastards" keep coming up with new desires all the time.
Therefore we are searching for new happiness and in the process we evolve.