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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why are people so philogically stupid?

Question:details: they call "balcks" "black people" and they call "whites" "white people" ....why is people so blind to see that "blacks" are not black and that "whites" are not white????
People who are called black are actually brown in different shades, and whites that are called whites are beige in different shades. America should be ashamed!!!!
Didn't people go to school or what the he!!? >:(

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: details: they call "balcks" "black people" and they call "whites" "white people" ....why is people so blind to see that "blacks" are not black and that "whites" are not white????
People who are called black are actually brown in different shades, and whites that are called whites are beige in different shades. America should be ashamed!!!!
Didn't people go to school or what the he!!? >:(

I qualify as a pink I think...hear hear!

Well thanks! You're rather lovely yourself! :) Report It

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  • Now your nit picking, lol. People arn't gonna catch on to the "beige, pearl, cream" trend. Actually, you are FURTHER dividing people into different colors.

    I know what you mean i face this problem all the time
    maybe people are use to saying it

    Because they can spell ?

    I'm glad I don't sit around and worry about this kind of crap all day.

    you're really dense, aren't you.

    oh what the hell, stop being so nit picky. There's worse things going on in the world than calling someone the wrong shade of a color. That's just the way it is, so deal with it and try being more mature.

    philogically is really philogically
    balcks is really blacks
    why is people is really why are people

    And you're being ridiculous. Seriously.

    You need a hobby

    mayb dey are colour blind...

    Well I think that we know that "black and white" aren't meant to be literal. It's just easier to say than "brown and beige." Plus, it offers a sharper contrast in a world where there WAS a distinct seperation between the two.

    I don't think this makes people stupid by any means.

    This question was already posed in the original version of "Shaft".

    coz honey back then "white people" thought they were superior,that's why they called themselves whit,meaning purity and superiority.and it's the opposite for the "black people", that's why they were made slaves by those "white" lunatics.and yes,america should be really really ashamed

    But if we did that how the hell are we suppose to have all those nifty racial slurs like "bean burrito" or "Oreo"?

    Ah, philogia is such a lost art these days.

    Gives a new meaning to the term "color blind," don't it?

    It's just easy.

    I understand your color observation; although you fail to make a legitimate point. There are several places where this type of irony occurs within our language: orange hair is called red hair; we drive on a parkway & park in a driveway; etc.

    I do wish to thank you for accusing people of being stupid when you yourself are illiterate. That was quite humorous.

    I know!!!!!!!!!
    and don't pay attention to the mean answers, they are a bunch of oldies that don't even know their real skin color's shade name.

    Let's make a petition! we are confusing our future generations. Soon you will be hearing kids call green yellow, and calling orange red.

    Why are people "philogically stupid"? <holding back smile> Good question.

    Your example does good in reminding us that there is no "black and white" or to thinking with "over-generalizations" is faulty. We need to adjust this illogical thinking and being more open to diversity and flexibility.

    Hey there, my sweet cream angel.....

    Do you honestly think that you are the first person to ask this? It's just a simplified term for the Census Bureau. Nobody really gets all that distraught over it. Except you of course.

    Think that is shameful ? Why don't they sit up and take
    note ? It's later than they think. Perhaps you might read
    Etymologically and Philogically Arranged with Special Reference to Cognate Indo-European languages, Monier Monier-Williams, revised by E. Leumann, C. Cappeller, et al. not dated, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi; apparently a reprint of edition published 1899, Clarendon Press, Oxford
    that is if you want schooling. What on earth ?

    Sorry - but I call em' black and white. So do many other people - I know a black lady with her PHD and she prefers to be called Black. Because if you look at it - the blacks originated from Africa and if you see a true Africa they are almost midnight black. Now, us white folks - yeah, we come in different shades of paleness - I actually have a tan right now but I've seen some true WHITE people.

    Besides - what else do you want to call them? I mean sure...we could be technical and call each other Caucasian or *******. But it's the modern terms for our race.

    And no - I don't agree with calling black people "African Americans" unless they are recently FROM Africa. I'm not called a European American.

    All it is, is modern terminology for quickly describing a person's race.

    I'm in school - just got done with a "Racial and Ethnic Relations" class. I'm educated about it and I see no wrong in it.

    The terms refer to ethnic differences. The reference to a color is only for convenience. The Blacks were not always called Black,, they were called by their race, Neg_o. The Whites were called Caucasian. There may be better ways of addressing your ethnic background but these terms were applied.

    i blame the government for reducing funding for arts education. if everybody had had color theory class, we wouldn't have this very severe and embarassing problem.

    Talk about getting hung up on a technicality....

    Ok - I'm translucent then. See all the veins?

    This isn't as bad as it seems. We need a way to understand groups, so we do this by establishing concepts to do so. A word is then assigned to represent the particular concept or grouping. Along with blacks and whites we also have:


    All of the above basic concepts have a wide array of particular sub-categories which make the general grouping ridiculous when you narrow in on those particulars.

    The reason why black and white seems bad to you is because you are unwittingly introducing into your mind's understanding something called a pejorative attachment to the terminology. This pejorative makes the terminology seem less than neutral, and wholly inadequate to serve as a valid conceptual representational. The problem is that no terminology will suffice as long as a pejorative is attached. The word "colored" used to be used, but it was abandoned many years ago because of the intransigent pejorative which society may never learn to overcome.

    This is only a comparison to identify the extream of change in coulor in people.