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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe that children and others pure of heart...?

Question:Many believe that children and others who are pure of heart (those who are mentally retarded or with other disablities) are capable of "seeing" or sensing things that the general population can not. If you believe this, please answer the following question:

Do you also accept that schizophrenics (known for conspiracy theories) may also be "enlightened" to some extent and therefore thier conspiracy theories are worthy of at least some investigation? Or should all the manic rantings of schizophrenics be chalked up to delusions/hallucinations?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Many believe that children and others who are pure of heart (those who are mentally retarded or with other disablities) are capable of "seeing" or sensing things that the general population can not. If you believe this, please answer the following question:

Do you also accept that schizophrenics (known for conspiracy theories) may also be "enlightened" to some extent and therefore thier conspiracy theories are worthy of at least some investigation? Or should all the manic rantings of schizophrenics be chalked up to delusions/hallucinations?

I believe that living in society and a larger realm of reality stunts us. We no longer are able to see or predict those things that people living outside of that relm do because we have had it drilled into our heads that it is not right. Do i think everthing some one with a mental issue says should be investigated, no. but I think the ones who listen to them better not have such a great grip on reality that they miss something. Some of our greatest prophetes had mental issues. and children, drunkers, and fools, what is it that they see that we don't? A sinse of imagination that helps to promote the things they see and feel around them weither this is good things or bad. and yes I believe they should be listened to also (to a point) (if johnny comes running down the hall screaming a dinasour is after him, we know dinos no longer exsist but we know we need to go investigate because he really feels nd believes it is a dino, unfortunately if we find it or find nothing we try to help little Johnny rastionalise it, and so it begins) :)

'Crazy' (and all the more technical terms) are just labels that we use to separate ourselves from others who do not think the same as we do. Sometimes this is to good effect to protect ourselves or others but at other times we are just scared of what is different.

Its easier to label others and then put them in a box instead of being able to deal with our own fears or being willing to open our own minds to new ways of thinking.

Yes I believe children and some differently abled people are just that, differently abled, and as such are likely to see and understand things that the rest of us don't.

Its already clear that children are better learners than adults (especially in language) and this is a result of different brain function and different learning strategies.

I am willing to believe that some of the people that we consider 'insane' (for lack of a more precise word) can see and process information differently and perhaps better in some ways than us 'normal' people (whatever that means).

I believe children, pure of heart, capable of sensing/seeing at the age , when they can't express themselves. The age when they attain the ability to express , our art of social conspiracy corrupt their mind , by teaching them lies since the moments they start grasping .
Similarly schizophrenics be chalked up to delusions.

I experienced a mystic connection at the age of 72 and in 15 seconds it changed my life. I have had ESP abilities all my life , but took them for granted. Children have unconditional love in their hearts and this makes them more open and sensitive to others. I was "enlighten" by my connection, after 2 years of serious research for knowledge and truth I arrived at truths that I never dreamed I would ever find. Read my web site and tell me if you think I am schizophrenic

As far as children - it's funny you mentioned this. After my daughter was born there were SO many times she's look at nothing on the ceiling and start laughing and her eyes would follow "nothing" and it made her so happy. I figured she was still seeing angels is all.

As far as schizos - I have no idea. If they are enlightened I'd probably bet that more often than not it's the dark forces that they are seeing.