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Position:Home>Philosophy> How could we relate "The prisoners dilemma" to yahoo answers?

Question:Caution:- may cause brain strain in some readers.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Caution:- may cause brain strain in some readers.

I would see it like this:
Both cooperate -
The asker asks the question in good faith, meaning the asker is truly looking for an honest answer to the question and is simply seeking knowledge.
The answerer answers in good faith, meaning the answerer believes he can provide useful information and does so to the best of his or her ability.

cost: both must consider the question and answer and actually use their brains and perhaps risk having their viewpoint challenged by new information.

Asker Defects:
Asker asks a loaded question to provoke, insult or embarrass the answerer
The answerer naively answers in good faith and looks like an idiot.

The asker "wins" (by analogy, goes free) doesn't need to think further and readers get a laugh.
The answerer "loses" (longest jail term) and his credibility for future answers may be brought into question by his lack of awareness.

Answerer defects:
The asker asks a question in good faith.
The answerer replies in order to provoke, insult, embarrass or endanger the asker.

The asker loses, and if he or she follows the advice, may be endangered if it is particularly bad, and otherwise is embarrassed or has had their views attacked with no useful information provided
The answerer "wins" and gets a laugh, an opportunity to expound an opposing view or entertainment for other readers.

Both defect:
The asker asks a loaded question.
The answerer replies by flaming.

Nothing is gained, time is wasted, both look like idiots. Standard internet debating technique.

Very nice question. :-)

Well, we're all anonymous to start (more or less). No one knows who thumbs up and who thumbs down. But if we could rig the thing so that if you thumbs down someone you get immeadiate rewards, if you thumbs up you get a smaller reward, and if you don't rate the questions you visit, there's some sort of penalty. And if your questions receive thumbs down, there's penalties, but you get small rewards for thumbs up...Damn, I can't quite fix it to where it would work. Possibly because there isn't just two people asking and answering. Try asking these Princeton Experts. Maybe they'd be interested in finding a way to rig it so it works, and then there'd be a real world experiment and we can see if tit for tat is really a good strategy and find that nice guys finish first in the long run.

you look at the virtual bars.. and say... Im FREE to surf!!

heck I try!!

it is a brain strain. i am not that educated but thanks for the fun of it. to answer your ??? ,we are prisoners to the game.

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